Insight Blueprints provides consumer insights and end-to-end change management for the automotive and new mobility industries.
Ensuring that actions follow insight demands clarity on business goals and a deep understanding of key stakeholder perspectives.
If the groundwork is good then analysis is crisp and focused, reporting is timely, specific and succinct, and actions follow.
You’ll get access to agile research techniques coupled with sector expertise - the foundations of valuable insight. We bring automotive and mobility sector expertise to every assignment and partner with trusted research associates whose techniques optimally reveal human truths relevant to the business question at hand.
The result is insight for action delivered in the business language of Auto and NMS.
We build our teams based on your needs, which means the best talent every time at a fraction of the cost of a typical research firm.
The bottom line is valuable insight at great value.
Meet The Team

Andy Turton, Blueprint’s founder, has more than twenty-five years experience in the automotive and mobility sectors gained leading teams in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin and North America.
Equally at home with qualitative and quantitative techniques, Andy understands that the truths of human behavior are revealed when people show who they are and what they feel naturally, without effort.
Not all research techniques enable that; Blueprint uses approaches that naturally sync-up with consumer lives, whether that’s passively tracked behavior, System-1 thinking, in the moment data capture or another human-friendly research approach; the result is vivid, compelling insight from which action flows.