Providing the tools you need to effectively manage change.
With change a constant disruptor, leading a consumer insights firm these days is like running a marathon with a stone in your shoe – always difficult, often painful and with no guarantee of success.
But change can be managed and Blueprints’ leaders have the tools and experience to help you do so successfully.
Using short and mid-term individual, peer and group approaches we help teams and individuals prepare for, implement and then manage change successfully.
The outcomes are personal growth, better engaged team members and enhanced business success.
Our recent work includes​
Helping a mid-size market research leadership team identify what to do more of, what to stop doing altogether and what to start doing in order to foster growth
Helping consumer insights professionals fascinated by the techniques of research put themselves in their clients shoes, and thereby ensure greater success in meeting their clients needs by translating insights into business implications
Creating a report template to more consistently ensure that insights were translated into business recommendations
Provided a High Potential team member with tools through which to better prioritize and to draw clearer boundaries between work and personal life
Guided a senior leader through conflict management so that a challenging working relationship could be stabilized

Work With Us
Get in touch to speak to our team about how we can support you at every stage of the change journey.